You know you’re starting to scrape the bottom of the reality-TV competition barrel when you’ve dropped millions in producing a glassblowing competition. Oh goodness.
But well, if you’re Netflix, you’ve got the available funds to do so, so why the heck not!
I have to admit prior to watching Blown Away, I hadn’t thought all that deeply into how glassware is made (although I have been to Corning HQ in up-state New York). But since watching the 10 episodes of Blown Away, I have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for the delicate art of glassblowing.
In Netflix’s original reality-TV competition, 10 contestants compete and vie for the grand prize of $60K and an Artist Residency at the Corning Museum of Glass. Over 10 challenges, the contestants sweat away in a purpose built facility enabling all 10 Glassblowers to work simultaneously on their gelatinous works of art. And being newbies to the glassblowing scene, we became familiar with new terms like punty and glory holes…….. And watch how volume, colour, texture and shape is added to an inanimate object- delicately brought to life by the Master Glassblowers- showing off their artistry and creativity! Truly incredible!
So if you want to experience the highs of pulling off an incredible glass masterpiece..Or watch the heart-breaking lows when pieces of art go smashing to the floor in a devastating error! You can experience all the highs and lows of glassblowing on Netflix’s Blown away! To start streaming, click HERE!
That’s it babe! I’m going to retain every empty beer bottle from now on!
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