Podcast Recommendation- Life Kit All Guides

Don’t you love ads? Podcast advertisements, that is. This latest podcast was introduced to me by in-pod advertising, I was happily listening to ‘How I Built This’ when they cross-promoted another pod by NPR. And it sounded so interesting that I had to stop what I was listening to, so I could immediately search for and start listening to this pod!

What caught my attention, was the promise of examining how to get a better night sleep! And this is very intriguing for me, as I’ve been a slave to insomnia for the past 18 years.

Life Kit All Guides- NPR

Life Kit All Guides is a new podcast, where each fortnight they delve into a different life topic under the categories of Personal Finance, Health, and Parenting- dedicating 3 episodes (spread out over 2 weeks) to examine all there is to know about the topic in question.  Scanning over their past episodes, they have covered the financial topics of budgeting, being a better saver, avoiding unnecessary fees, and developing Credit Card IQ; the health topics of sleep, nutrition, and healthy weight loss; and the parenting topics of how to discuss adult topics with young kids, teaching kids self-control, and showing kids how to love math etc. And there’s only going to be more Life Kits scheduled to drop as the weeks go by! Each topic is hosted by a different NPR journalist who usually reports on said topic, and they conduct interviews with experts in the field for their expert insights.

What I’ve learnt in regards to getting a better night sleep, is how 20 minutes of natural sunlight each morning resets our 24 hour body clock which ensures that by bed time we’re feeling adequately sleepy; how we shouldn’t consume caffeine 7 hours before bed time; how regular exercise is critical to a good night’s sleep; how alcohol-induced sleepiness is actually not good for us; and how we should leave our smart devices alone 60-90 minutes before bed. Since I’ve listened to the pod, I’ve actively made some changes in my habits and for the past week I’ve been sleeping better and have felt more alert during the day! Fingers crossed that I can maintain this, as this is actually life-changing stuff!

So if you’re interested to check out how you can improve your quality of life with Life Kit All Guides, click HERE!

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