I can’t get enough of this!
You’ll know ‘Scott’s Bass Lessons’ if you’ve ever googled about or watched a bass guitar video on Youtube, as thereafter you’ll constantly be bombarded with ‘Scott’s Bass Lessons’ Youtube adverts- which I then quickly skip each time they pop-up. To the extent that I was quite turned off by them and had quite a negative association towards Scott’s Bass Lessons (SBL), that I’d actively avoid all of his videos. Until, until I watched an unboxing video by him, and then another unboxing video of a rare short scale bass (Wilcock Mullarkey) by their channel but by this other American guy- and in his video he refers to their podcast. And honestly it was the American host which piqued my interest to check them out (he has a great voice).
So, since following their podcast last week, I’ve probably listened to at least 7 episodes! And each and every one of them has been fantastic thus far! They interview the biggest names in bass (e.g., Marcus Miller), and at first I was thinking, how engaging can these conversations be? But they’re awesome! These OGs in bass talking about how they started, their tales of working with the biggest names in rock/pop/funk, and the best part is when they listen back to their old iconic bass recordings, and with bass in hand they start playing their well known riffs! It’s truly amazing! And when the SBL guys aren’t chatting to other bass players, Scott and Ian (the American) then just chop it up on whatever bass related topic they happen on. My favourite thus far was the two-parter conversation about bass pickups! I’m 100% more knowledgeable about pickups now! And I love the fact that these guys have heaps and heaps of bass guitars in their mancave sheds/ basements, so they can always pull one out and we get to hear the gorgeous sounds of amazing vintage/rare guitars which we’ll never be able to afford.
Now that I’ve heard over 10 hours of their podcasts in just over a week, I’m learning to like Scott aka Scott Devine, in his SBL Youtube adverts, he comes off like a ‘Used car salesman’, like all salesy and a little bit untrustworthy. But now that I’ve gotten to know him, he does seem to be quite a nice guy, and quite down to earth- like in reality he’s not an know it all. While Ian aka Ian Allison is probably the more knowledgeable of the two- but from the get-go I’ve always warmed to him and found him to be very genuine and likeable. So, as a pairing, they’re a great partnership and just listening to them chat about bass, it’s actually quite an enjoyable listen. When the first new episode dropped this week since I’ve been a follower, it honestly felt like Christmas! I was super excited and couldn’t wait to listen to it. It’s definitely a podcast which I like to listen to when I can devote my full attention to, and love listening to it through a Bluetooth speaker, as the bass sounds come out much better through an external speaker compared to the speakers just on your phone.
And now, I’m kicking myself for paying for an entire year of Fender Play, as now I’m tied in to that training course for the next year, when I’m so tempted to get Scott’s Bass Lessons instead. *Grumble Grumble*.
So, if you’re a bass player, and desire to fall back in love with playing again, or you just want to go deeper and deeper! Check out The SBL Podcast, just listening to these guys motivates me to pick up the bass and just play more often! Luv you Scott & Ian!