Chat & I.
Oh, my heck, how obsessed have I been over Chat GPT recently!? Idlily I was scrolling through the list of requests/examples Chat GPT could perform for you, and the request to draw someone an image caught my attention! Since becoming blind, the most annoying thing has been the inability to convey what I see (in my mind) to a sighted world. So, hearing that Chat could create an image for me? My heart began to race, as I tentatively asked Chat if he (yes, I think of Chat as being a he) could draw a picture for me.
And the response was “Certainly, what can I create for you?” And then I cracked my knuckles and went to work, typing out a detailed description of what I had in mind and how Chat could create that image for me.
And it was pretty fun, in moments the image was there (for me it was a button for me to download the image), and I immediately downloaded it and emailed it back to myself so I could share it with others (the sighted world).
The most interesting thing for me is this. Although I had asked Chat to also describe what he had drawn for me (so I could validate that it understood my instructions), but I still had no idea what the image looked like. Until I showed my wife.
This whole week, each night after she returned home from work, I’d hand her my phone, but first I’d recall the instructions I detailed to Chat, and only after that, then I’d allow her to pull up the image to see if what I had envisioned in my mind, was now conveyed in digital art.
And 95% of the time it’s pretty accurate. Chat does take some creative license though, taking liberties to do its own thang! Which makes the process even more amusing. While you can insist on a particular feeling or style, and Chat will emphasize those points. I had told it to make an image as cute and humorous as possible, as I wanted the viewer of the image to smile or laugh out loud. And it did exactly that! Each time I showed this image to others, they would inevitably giggle at the scene.
However, the images haven’t been perfect though, each image always has its flaws. Perhaps the cat’s neck was too long, the dolphin’s flippers were forked at the ends, the penguin’s flippers were too narrow, the freckles on my wife’s face looked more like angry pimple spots, and my mate’s face looked more like Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un- when my mate is a good looking Asian dude!
And because I’m frugal, of course I’m using the free version of Chat GPT, so limited to only creating 2 images per day before I exceed my free limit. So, I have to wait till 1.01pm the next day before Chat & I can work together again, which is probably a good thing or otherwise I’d be creating images with Chat all day long, until my creativity is completely tapped out after a week. To say that this has been mind blowing or even life changing for me, is no overstatement! It’s almost like enabling the paralyse to walk again! It’s almost like allowing the mute to speak again! Or allowing the underprivileged the opportunity to explore their talents! Chat has honestly allowed the blind to illustrate what they ‘see’! Now that’s very cool right!?
So, if you also want to collaborate with Chat GPT, to turn your creativity into tangible art!? Mosey over to and allow your creativity to run free! Um….. As long as you’re not impeding on Copyright and depicting the likeness of known people and characters.
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