Podcast recommendations- Sports Strangest Crimes

It only gets weirder and weirder!

Now I remember the 2007 Formula One season so vividly. I’d dabbled as a F1 fan as a teenager, as it was so glossy and attractive at the time, and the PlayStation game was so addictive! Then I went away and lost my sight, so naturally a few old interests of mine went by the wayside and that was 1999.

But I remember so clearly I was randomly watching TV on a Sunday afternoon in 2007 and the Melbourne GP was on. And I remember Louis Hamilton coming in 3rd, and everyone wondering “Who is this guy?”, a rookie beating his 2 time World Champion teammate! And since that race in 2007, I’d been following F1 again- sure some seasons closer than others, but it was due to that 2007 season which drew me back in with Formula One!

And for those who want to re-live that whole entire crazy season again, warts and all- check-out BBC Radio 5 Live’s podcast called ‘Sports Strangest Crimes’- Spygate.

Over 8 half hour episodes, BBC Journalists in their charming British journalistic way re-tell the story of how a simple  employee at a Photocopying shop in Woking UK uncovered a conspiracy which would become a global front page news item and be the focus of a podcast 15 years later! As a mild fan back in 2007, I only knew of the internal rivalry between Louis and Fernando, and how this internal conflict resulted in costing them both the Driver’s Championship as they fought against each other. But I wasn’t aware of the details of Spygate occurring off-track where the McLaren F1 team were found in possession of Ferrari F1 car designs and operating manuals. So, this detailed deep dive into that season was truly both enlightening and entertaining!

And at this age when we’re all reflecting back on our lives and appreciating how far we’ve all come- the podcast aided in a stroll down memory lane for me, which was both good, and bad I suppose.

So, for the casual F1 fans who might want to hear how each stage of the 2007 F1 Season unfolded, each weird layer at a time, check-out BBC’s podcast Sports Strangest Crime- Spygate, just click HERE! Thank God today’s F1 is completely devoid of drama!….. Not!     

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