A perfect listen on a lazy Saturday morning!
We only cook on the weekends, and just when I’m looking for ideas/inspiration for that evening’s meal- just in time the latest episode of ‘Play Me a Recipe’ is there on my Podcast player! **Note: Episodes drop each Friday evening.
There are other podcasts out there who also share recipes and cooking tips and tricks, but often times those shows are either long drawn-out not-that-interesting interviews, or a chef literally just reads out a recipe which takes them between 3-5 minutes to get through- leaving you not all that inspired. However, what’s different about Food 52’s ‘Play Me a Recipe’, is the fact that the chef or cookbook author for that episode actually cooks the entire meal with you!
Remember those days of TV cooking shows? Before all those shows were replaced with cooking competitions. Remember those days when there used to be cooks who actually cook the meal on screen from start to finish (admittedly they often used to pull out the ‘one which I prepared earlier’ from the oven). But essentially those shows showed us how easy (or difficult) it was to actually cook that meal. Which then gave us the confidence to try it ourselves!
And that is what ‘Play Me a Recipe’ is all about! In around 20 minutes, the chef outlines what you need from ingredients, seasoning to equipment, before starting to cook with you. In great detail, they walk you through each step of the recipe, where you can hear the knife chopping on the chopping board, where you can hear the vegetables being washed, where you can hear the food frying in the pan, and on the odd occasion you can hear the cat meowing in the background as it hears a can of tinned tuna being cracked open. Haaha.
And when there’s some down-time whilst waiting for things to boil, the chefs/cookbook authors share a little about themselves. Sometimes shamelessly plugging their next cookbook, or talking about their restaurant, or just sharing stories about themselves. So, the program is both educational, and enlightening, a pretty good combo hey!?
So, if you too like to experiment with new recipes now and again, and you’re always looking for inspiration in the kitchen, check-out ‘Play Me a Recipe’ from your favourite Podcast app. I guarantee you’ll be inspired to try something new in the kitchen this weekend!
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