Can you imagine a world pre-dating Star Wars the cinematic film? It’s hard hey? Especially if you were born after 1977, and words like wookiee, Jedi, and lightsaber has been a part of your vernacular for as long as you can remember. But through the power of podcast and immersive story-telling, now you can!
Inside Star Wars is a 7 episode podcast deep dive into Star Wars; through extensive research and re-enactments it tells the story of a young man who forged Star Wars out from his very own hands (George Lucas); explores the lives of the unknown cast before they became Luke, Leia and Han; and exposes all the doubters who thought Star Wars was going to be a universal flop!
Hosted by Mark Ramsey and brought to you by Wondery, you’re transported back to a time where tales of universes far far away were laughable, extra-terrestrial lifeforms resembled green Martian things, and movies were low-tech affairs produced in film lots in Hollywood. Take a trip down memory lane to learn of George’s back-story, his obsession to detail, the unlikely stars who became larger than life, and life after Star Wars.
I’m not that into Star Wars, but this podcast had me hook, line and sinker! I couldn’t wait till each Wednesday when the next episode dropped to hear what else would be revealed when another layer was peeled away, and I was just so blown away finding out what a hard slog George Lucas had to endure to bring his movie to life; getting my head around the concept that people actually thought that Star Wars was a bad concept; and the fact that Harrison Ford was a carpenter building movie sets before he was rocketed to stardom on the back of….or thrusters of…Star Wars!
If you’re an oldie and you can remember the 1977s, check out the pod and be taken back to an age long long ago in your own personal history! For non-fans, check it out to better appreciate the origins of Star Wars! And for you Jedies, you’ll listen to it regardless, as you’ll consume anything Star Wars related to help you pass the time until ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ finally reaches your nearest cinema!
To listen to Inside Star Wars, click HERE! Enjoy!
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