Sweet Things- Thai Milk Green Tea & Pandan Milk Bun- Chapayom

Suite 1, Skyview Plaza 537-551 George Street, Sydney

After attending a wedding and being fed in a post-knot-tying spread, we just had to squeeze in a ‘Sweet Things’ treat, to maintain a regularness to our posts for you, the reader!

This week on my interminable trawling of the web for all that is new in our fair city, I learned that the Thai brand Chapayom had opened its first Australian store on George Street!! (The first shop greeting customers as they enter the Skyview Plaza when entering from George Street).

If you haven’t heard of Chapayom before (I hadn’t either before this week), here is a super quick origins story…..Back in Thailand, only 7 years ago, they were a start-up serving up Milk Tea and coffees in a street-side store in Hat Yai. But 7 years on (and after becoming one of Thailand’s most favourite brands, and expanding to other South-east Asian countries) Chapayom are now serving up their own brand of Thai Milk Teas and Thai Coffees to Sydney-siders in their street-side store, but in a much busier setting than their humble beginnings in Hat Yai.

Today we shared a ‘Perfect Match’- a choice of any standard drink and edible pairing for $8. We chose the Thai Milk Green Tea, and the Pandan Custard Grilled Milky Bun.

The Milky Bun was the stand-out – the bun was soft and fluffy, toasted on both sides, covered and filled with a moreish Pandan flavoured custard cream, and sprinkled on top were shreds of toasted coconut. *Slack jawed emoji*.  So it was a great mixture of textures – a soft and a little bit crunchy bun; a sticky oozy custard cream; and the chewiness from the coconut! The texture reminded me a little bit of a doughnut, if I had to attempt to describe it to anyone – but imagine a Krispy  Kreme donut, rather than a standard cinnamon doughnut. Yeah?

The Thai Green Milk Tea….. Um, it was creamy and it was sweet, but it wasn’t a stand-out? Perhaps in Sydney we’ve been spoiled by really good milk teas, both by the Taiwanese and by the numerous Thai restaurants. Thus after taking our first sips we just registered the flavours, and went “hmmm, ok then.” And if anything, my criticism was that it came with too much shaved ice, which didn’t blend in with the tea? Not exaggerating, at least half of the cup was ice alone? Although the cup is large (probs 450ml) and when you hold it, it feels quite substantial; however when you’re happily sucking enthusiastically on the straw, in moments you realise that you’re out of drink and you’re left with half a cup of ice. *Sad look*. And because shaved ice just piles onto itself, so you’re literally paying for almost half a cup of shaved ice and half cup of milk tea. Maybe you can try asking for “no ice”, and see how much tea you get then- but I personally didn’t think I got $5.50 worth of value.

However as an afternoon sweet treat (post-lunch), Chapayom’s ‘Perfect match’ is a nice late arvo treat, the tea def has enough sugar/caffeine to keep you wide awake during the late arvo lull. Although if you want copious amounts of tasty, strong Thai Milk Tea, I’d recommend you to down it at Tawandang (2 blocks down George Street). Tawandang does a $6 unlimited Thai Milk Tea, when dining in. Literally when they see your glass reach the half way mark, they’re back filling up your strong milk tea from a chilled jug right back up to the top again! Let’s just say if you plan not to sleep for 2 days, just go nuts and get your moneys worth there! Haaha.    

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