Ronny Chieng: International Student- Netflix

I’m hoping so so much that Ronny Chieng films a second series of his hilarious TV show ‘Ronny Chieng: International Student’; but after scouring the web for rumours and rumours of rumours, but unfortunately 18 months on since its first airing on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) there isn’t any word that Ronny’s going to be back for a second semester at the University of Melbourne. Boo!

If you didn’t watch ‘Ronny Chieng: International Student’ when it aired on the ABC in June 2017, don’t fret! Because you can also find it on Netflix (Australian library at least). And we started watching it on the Monday and by Thursday of the same week we had already finished all 6 episodes and shouting for an encore!  Okay, here is my quick summary of what to expect from Ronny Chieng: International (full-fee paying) Student: the six 27 min episodes is an Australian produced comedy about Ronny’s first semester at the University of Melbourne studying Law (which is based loosely on Ronny’s real-life experiences studying a Law/Commerce degree at U of Mel back in 09). The series follows his adventures as he navigates/adapts to a new culture, new friends, and new living arrangements at International House, cross-cultural differences, a nemesis, a potential love interest, and the typical goings-on of university-campus life. But throw in Ronny’s sense of humour where they have a light-hearted laugh at everyone (you, me, the rando stranger) and there you have Ronny Chieng’s first comedy series and his time in Australia as an international student!

For us, we found it so funny! As it was Australian comedy done well and because we’re Aussie-Asian (unfortunately not international students) we could still find all the jokes and skits totally relatable.  It was like laughing at them, at us, at them, and then at us again! And Ronny and his co-writer Declan Fay, accurately captured all the nuances of the cultures, playing-up stereotypes which we hold (while not being too offensive), and gave each character a distinct and likeable personality.

For the Asian viewer at least, we could relate to and laugh (nervously at times) at overly concerned/controlling Asian parents; the travesty of leaving your shoes on when within the place of dwelling; the habit of doing a numero uno or dos with the door open; aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency i.e.g ‘Asian flush’ after the slightest amount of alcohol; and meeting Asians with made-up mish-mash English names (guilty! I’m one of them…)…And that list was only some of the funnier parts/self-deprecating jokes from episode 1! You have have have to watch it! And if you’re not Asian…Yeah, I can still see you enjoy it as well. I’m sure it’ll remind you of your Asian friends/acquaintances? And who doesn’t appreciate some light-hearted tongue-in-cheek comedy?

Check-it out! Just search ‘Ronny Chieng: International Student on your Netflix app’, there is much to laugh about! Hey! If you’re reading this post and you’re not from Australia, here is a message from the Australian Tourism Board…They would also like you to check-it-out! If to this point, the totality of your awareness of Australia are kangaroos, koalas, Steve Irwin, the Opera House, Harbour Bridge, and Hugh Jackman…. Allow Ronny’s point-of-view show you a different (all be that a satirical take) side of Australia! The good, the bad, and the ugly. **Disclaimer: All negative behaviour, racist slurs, drug & alcohol abuse is only reflective of Melbourne culture, and is not a fair representation of life in Sydney…….

>Ronny Chieng Profile: Ronny is originally from Malaysia, before spending a number of his primary school years in the United States. Ronny spent a total of 10 years in Australia, first as an international student at the University of Melbourne (combined Commerce/Law degree); before kick-starting his stand-up Comedy career in the Australian comedy circuit. Ronny now resides in the States, where he is a correspondent on The ‘Daily Show’ which airs out of the New York City Comedy Central studios. We first stumbled upon Ronny Chieng’s work in 2013, when we were watching clips from his Youtube channel. And over the years we’ve listened to his podcast (OK Cool), and by chance the only episode of Wilosophy with Wil Anderson I’ve heard, happened to be the live show where Ronny was the guest. So you can say we’ve had some affinity with him, and I’m a bit of a RC fan-boy. Hehehe.   

 P.S. If you’re interested to see Ronny Chieng up-close and in the flesh? Ronny will be back in Sydney to perform his Stand-up show ‘Tone Issues’ at the Enmore Theatre on Thursday 4 April, 7pm. Tickets are selling fast!

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