Drink of the Month- Pear Soda

It all started when I asked my wife “Does anyone make a pear juice?”  Her answer was “Nup…except maybe some fancy schmancy brand in the refrigerated section that sells a teeny tiny bottle for $4?” So that day with our groceries’ we bought a jar of tinned pears, if I couldn’t have an affordable pear drink, then I’ll just make do with tinned pears (actually, they were in a plastic jar, the only tinned one on offer was too big).

That afternoon we ate at ‘Stax On Burgers’ where on their drinks list they had a Pine Pash Soda, which we  suspect was just tinned pineapple and fresh passionfruit blitzed together with carbonated water. Then I had a light bulb moment! We have a Soda Stream, and I have this jar of tinned pears! We can make our own Pear soda!


1 Jar Coles pear slices in juice

Soda water


Step 1: Pour half of the tinned pears with juice into a small jug, and with a stick blender blitz the pear into a puree.

Step 2: Pour pureed pears into a tall glass, then pour the remaining pears and juice into the small jug and also stick blend this batch.

Step 3: Pour all of the puree back into the jar in which it came in, and refrigerate.

Step 4: When you want your pear soda, pour the puree into a tall glass (half fill the glass), and top up with soda water! Enjoy!

If the Pear Soda isn’t sweet enough for you, you can add an additional teaspoon of sugar. But if you just like a chill refreshing drink which tastes of pear, half and half puree to soda water is perfect!

Now that we’ve worked this out, we can stick blend all sorts of tinned fruit!!!! And make our own soda, by just adding carbonated water! The sky’s the limits! Keep an eye out for our ‘Drink of the Month’, should prove to be a bit of fun!

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