Warm Chilli Spice Wine Recipe

Serves: 8


1.5L (2 bottles) Dry red wine

125g (1/2 cup) Sugar

3 Whole dry figs

1 Green apple

1 Orange

2 Birdseye chillies

1 6cm Cinnamon stick

1 Vanilla bean

2 Tablespoons whiskey


Step 1: Prepare fruits by slicing green apples and orange into quarters (with skin), while keeping figs whole.

Step 2: Prepare spices by slicing chillies into small pieces; slice vanilla bean in half; and split cinnamon stick.

Step 3: Pour wine into a large saucepan and add sugar, all fruits, and all spices. Bring to a boil and then turn down to a gentle boil and allow cook for 12 minutes stirring occasionally.

Step 4: Remove from heat and add 2 tablespoons whiskey and cover with saucepan lid and allow flavours to infuse for 15 mins.

Step 5: Strain the spiced wine, and serve warm.


A perfect warm treat on a cold winter’s night if you have a bottle or two of inexpensive wine lying around. Enjoy!

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