Product Recommendations- Arnotts Chocolates

Arnotts Chocolate is like Jay-Z & R Kelly! What? How does that make sense? Because it’s ‘Best of Both Worlds’ silly! See 2002 Jay-Z & R Kelly’s collaboration album of the same name……

I think we’ve all seen them at our local supermarket, slabs of chocolate around this wide and this long, grouped into 5 stacks, one for each flavour!!!! Iced VoVo, Scotch Finger, Wagon Wheel, Jatz or Ginger Nut- selling for the promotional price of $3 each (or RRP $5).

To date we’ve tried the Jatz and WagonWheel flavours, and to date our favourite has been Jatz! It’s hard to describe it, as it no-longer tastes like a Jatz, as it’s no longer salty, it’s not flaky like a cracker, but it just tastes like a cookie in milk chocolate!…But a very nice tasting cookie in milk chocolate combo. Mmmmmm. The WagonWheel is less remarkable, as WagonWheels are already chocolate-y, so in this combo you only taste some marshmallow and strawberry-flavoured jelly bits.

I can’t wait to tuck into the other three flavours we have sitting in our pantry, and they’re so popular that some shelves at Coles are already sold-out of certain flavours- Jatz, WagonWheel, and Scotch fingers seem like the most popular flavours. But viewing their website, it does look like these blocks of Arnott’s gold are here to stay!!!! Yay!!!!!

For more information, check out their website HERE!    

p.s. I’ve now tried the Ginger Nut. #New favourite! The crunchy ginger nut is covered in dark chocolate (yes, yes! Dark chocolate!) and the flavour of ginger and cinnamon is obvious, reminds me of Christmas!

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