Japanese Pizza Recipe

Serves: 2


1 Pizza base (see directions below if you want to make your own)

1 Packet Tassal’s thin-sliced smoked salmon

¼ Cup Edamame beans

3 Shiitake mushrooms

2 Teaspoons toasted sesame seeds

¼ Sheet dried nori seaweed

1 Cup Mozzarella cheese

¼ Cup Mayonnaise

1 Teaspoon Wasabi


Step 1: Prepare topping by slicing salmon into 1 inch wide strips; defrost Edamame beans (if frozen); toast sesame seeds; crush nori seaweed sheet; and slice Shiitake mushrooms thinly.

Step 2: Prepare “pizza sauce” in a bowl, mixing Wasabi into Mayonnaise.

Step 3: Construct pizza – first using a tablespoon, spread Wasabi Mayonnaise mixture onto the pizza base; then add topping, starting first with the strips of salmon, then the mushrooms and beans, and lastly the Mozzarella cheese. Place into pre-heated oven and cook at 180 degree C for 20 minutes, until the cheese has melted and starts to brown.

Step 4: Remove from oven, sprinkle sesame seeds and crushed nori seaweed and serve.


For those who want to make their own pizza base from scratch, follow these directions:

2 cup plain flour; 8g dry yeast; ½ teaspoon salt; 2 tablespoons olive oil; ¾ cup lukewarm water

Place yeast into lukewarm water and let sit.

Add salt to 2 cups flour and then add liquids to the dry mix.

Mix to a soft dough, before needing the dough on a floured surface.

Return dough to mixing bowl and cover with cling-wrap and allow to sit at room temperature over-night or for 24 hours for best results.

When recommencing, uncover and press air out of dough and remove and gently need for 1 minute.

Meanwhile pre-heat oven to 180 degree C.

Roll-out dough to desired size and place in oven for 5 minutes, to start the cooking process.

After 5 minutes, remove Pizza base from oven, and using a rolling pin, flatten the dough which has puffed up.

Then add pizza toppings before replacing the pizza into the oven to cook fully.

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