Product recommendation- Proud & Punch

With the blistering edge to the hot summer’s days starting to dial down for another year –  meaning that there are only a matter of weeks where you’d still happily consume frozen blocks of fruit juice; hop on down to Coles and grab yourselves a 6 pack of ‘Proud & Punch’ frozen treats!

Proud & Punch’s product line come in either cream-filled ice blocks (picture Streets’ ‘Splice’), or just blocks of frozen fruit juice.  

But what stands Proud & Punch from other brands is the fact that the sweetness levels are obviously toned down for health reasons. For the creamy coconut pops, the icy fruit outer layer is only frozen fruit juice with no added sugars, and only once you reach the coconut ice cream centre does the sweetness kick in. The cream-centred flavours include Berry and coconut ice cream centre; or a Mango exterior and coconut ice cream interior.

And if you prefer juice without the cream, they have 3 flavours in the Juice Pops category: Berries, Apple, or Orange (named much more inventively than what I’ve just listed for you).

Once you’ve tried them, you’ll agree that they feel healthier, and more natural tasting. Nice and refreshing on a hot summer’s (or early autumn’s) day!

I’d proudly hand these healthy treats out to kids, and if they complain that there isn’t any chocolate in them …. I’ll……*balls-up fist*…… Nah, Nah, Joking Joking. As much as I love word play, I can’t joke around with the word ‘Punch’ while having kids around.

At the moment Proud & Punch Juice and Coconut pops are both on Special at Coles for $5.00 (usually $8.00).

If your kids end up really liking them, perhaps you can buy your own ice block moulds and make your own 100%Natural frozen juice pops?! It just requires some fresh fruits, and a blender- then you and the kids can have some fun in making some creative frozen concoctions! And slip in a finger of Vodka and you’ll have yourself a batch of adult pops. Hey? Hey? Just make sure you clearly label your batches. Hehehe.

For more about the Proud & Punch company, visit:


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