Mum’s Smashed Avocado Egg on Toast Recipe

Servings: 4


2 Ripe avocados

4 Hard-boiled eggs

2 Tablespoon mayonnaise

8 Slices of toast

Salt & Pepper to taste

Step 1: In a pot of water, hard-boil the eggs, by adding eggs to a pot of cool water and bringing the water to a boil. When the water is at a rolling boil, take  the pot off the heat and allow stand for approx. 10 minutes. The aim is to have the egg yolks still slightly runny when you eventually moosh them. After 10 mins, remove eggs from water and run under cold water.

Step 2: While the eggs were cooking, prepare avocados by removing skin and seed. Then slice into quarters, placing the avocado flesh in a medium sized mixing bowl.

Step 3: Peel eggs and add whole eggs to avocado bowl. Using the back of a fork, smoosh egg and avocados together until avocado and eggs become incorporated (whilst the eggs still remain in chunky pieces).

Step 4: Add the 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise to the avocado egg mixture and gently mix together. When mixed, dollop and spread a thick layer of avocado-egg onto each piece of toast. Sprinkle salt & pepper to taste.


The other day I was listening to an old foodie podcast, where they were joking about how the Smashed avocado on toast had become the breakfast dish Aussie’s around the world were known for (like vegemite on toast). And that started me reflecting  about my childhood, how my mum used to make me this smashed avocado egg sandwich to take to school for lunch; and even 15 years on I was still taking this same sandwich to work when I was still living at home (thanks mum for making me lunch for almost 30 years!).

I still remember my mum telling me that when she was a young girl in Hong Kong, she used to make this same sandwich for herself to take to work. So here I am, capturing down her recipe and sending it into the cyber-sphere, thus immortalising forever her 50 year old smashed avocado egg recipe (slightly tweaked for the humble toast). Enjoy! Let me know what you think after trying it in the comments section below.  Yeah?

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